STAGES Freya Sif Hestnes & Marina Popovic
There is a Noise
STAGES Freya Sif Hestnes & Marina Popovic
There is a Noise
The lovely bouquet of fresh waffles fills the air. The audience is invited to seat themselves around a big table. A conversation about memories begins. Where do the boundaries go between facts, memories and feelings? And when does someone’s story become “history” in the more general sense?
The starting points for this conversation are a grandmother’s diary from the war year 1945, when she was sixteen years old, and an account of a child’s flight from the war in Sarajevo fifty years later.
Scenographer Freya Sif Hestnes and actor Marina Popovic met as students at The Norwegian Theatre Academy. There they discovered that they both were fascinated by memory, photography and personal documents, and they decided to jointly explore how memories survive in the objects we save and how we determine which memories to keep alive.
In There is a Noise they investigate the memory of flight from war as a child and they attempt to recreate the confusion that that type of experience produces in a human being. How does a person react when memory contradicts the general understanding of an occurrence?
Idea/Direction: Freya Sif Hestnes and Marina Popović
Performers: Freya Sif Hestnes and Marina Popović
Sound design: Marianna Sangita Røe
Supported by: Norwegian Theater Academy /Høgskolen i Østfold and Fritt Ord