STAGES Wilhelm Blomberg & Maja Hannisdal
Quiet Dances
24 Aug
ca 12h
Kulturhuset Blå Stället
0 kr
STAGES Wilhelm Blomberg & Maja Hannisdal
Quiet Dances
Quiet Dances is a dance installation that lasts for twelve hours. The stage is a show-window. The dancer wears a blindfold and earphones. S/he picks her/his music and proceeds to dance for an hour, after which another dancer takes over. The spectators on the sidewalk may also use earphones if they please, to hear the accompanying music.
This installation is an attempt to explore the energy field between people who watch and people who do – a flirt with voyeurism. Audiences are invited to watch, but their opportunities to interact with performers via laughter, body language and space-sharing are excluded.
Facilitated by: Wilhelm Blomberg, Maja Hannisdal and Ilmari Paananen
Presented in collaboration with Trygg, vacker stad and Göteborg Konst