The Big Deal
Are you up for festival frenzy? Then this is a big deal for you. With this offer you’ll get dance, circus and theatre at an irresistible price! A total of six outstanding performances throughout the ten days of the Festival.
Tickets and Package Deals
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Get the Big Deal
Photo: Marcin Nowak
The Big Deal includes six performances. Join us when we open the festival with the exceptionally acrobatic circus performance by Compagnie XY and experience an intimate, physical and brutal version of Strindberg’s Miss Julie in Christiane Jatahy’s Julia. See the beautiful, poetic and personal musical performance by Rokia Traoré. All this and much more with The Big Deal!

30% discount
Price: 1300 SEK
Include 6 shows.
Reg. price 1 875 kr
You save 575 sek.
The BIG DEAL includes the following shows:

Friday 17/8 at 19.00
Stora Teatern / Gothenburg
– Circus –
Il n´est pas encore minuit… (It´s not yet Midnight…)
Companie XY
Kick off the festival with Compagnie XY’s exceptionally acrobatic circus performance! 22 acrobats enter the stage and challenge our understanding of the physically possible. Expectations are high as we begin to approach this party’s climax..

Photo: Marc Nowak
Sunday 19/8 at 19.00
Folkteatern / Gothenburg
– Theatre –
Christiane Jatahy
Adaptation of Miss Julie by August Strindberg
The Brasilian film and theatre director Christiane Jatahy creates a scenic piece that challenges time and space, in which the team films and edits in real time. In Julia, Strindberg’s classic social drama is transported to contemporary Brasil where Julia, from a hip upper-class enclave in Rio, falls head-over-heels for the family driver. It is intimate, physical and brutal. Experience Strindberg’s Miss Julie in an entirely new way!

Photo: Marc Coudrais
Tuesday 21/8 at 20.00
Stora Teatern / Göteborg
– Dance –
Mathilde Monnier & La Ribot
More than thirty years as performing artists have moulded Mathilde Monnier from France and La Ribot from Spain into icons in their respective genres. Together they created Gustavia which draws on the world of classic burlesque. Using mime, slapstick and role-reversal, they explore the timeless classical subjects such as womanhood, death and theater. It is comic, absurd and avant-garde.

Photo: Danny Willems
Thursday 23/8 at 21.00
Stora Teatern / Gothenburg
– Music/theatre –
Dream Mandé-Djata
Rokia Traoré
Rokia Traoré moves skillfully between acoustic folk music from Mali and rock-riffing tuareg blues, jazz and pop. Her albums are praised by critics and she tours the world in a variety of constellations. In Dream Mandé-Djata she mounts the stage as a story-teller in a performance based on Griot, the ancient West African narrative tradition. Experience a beautiful, poetic and personal musical performance.

Photo: Arno Declair
Saturday 25/8 at 18.00
Göteborgs Stadsteater / Gothenburg
– Theatre –
Ein Volksfeind (An Enemy of the People)
Shaubühne Berlin
By: Henrik Ibsen (adaption by Florian Borchmeyer)
Direction: Thomas Ostermeier
Schaubühne Berlin is considered one of the most outstanding stages in Europe for contemporary theatre. This year the company brings us Thomas Ostermeier’s version of Ibsen’s dark satire, An Enemy of the People, seething with topical references. How are truth and fake truths valued in our current political context?

Photo: Rahi Rezvani
Sunday 26/8 at 16.00
GöteborgsOperan / Gothenburg
– Dance –
Shoot the Moon / Singuliére Odyssée / The Statement / Woke up Blind
Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT)
Choreography: Paul Lightfoot, Sol León, Crystal Pite and Marco Goecke
Netherlands Dance Theatre (NDT) has been one of the world’s leading modern dance companies for decades, and tour around the globe. For the first time in Göteborg they bring us an evening composed of four separate works. With Shoot the Moon, Singuliére Odyssée, The Statement and Woke up Blind, NDT present a once-in-a-lifetime stage experience.
Get The Big Deal. Follow the instructions (in Swedish) when you click on this button to complete your purchase. If you need help don´t hesitate to contact us at