Compagnie Furinkaï
Mind the Gap
31 Aug
ca 1h
Skärhamn, outside
0 kr
Compagnie Furinkaï
Mind the Gap
A mighty monument towers over the ground, solid, permanent But appearances can be deceptive. The collapse approaches and not even a massive colossus is secure. The three individuals who have taken responsibility for the strange sculpture soon find it hard to keep their balance in a world of falling objects, slanting floors and unreliable walls. Verticals and horizontals switch places, shapes become increasingly confusing. Is this actually a house of cards?
The colossus seems to live a life of its own, attacked by avalanches and earthquakes that force it into a death-defying dance. The trio has no choice but to join in the spiraling whirlwind. They trip, they stumble, fall down and rise up again. Try to reach across the gaps, stop the leaks, get some control over the chaos that surrounds them. After all, that is what we do, we people.
The builder, poet and actor Silvain Ohl has created an architectonic monstrosity, in fact, a poetic monstrosity. Friction, equilibrium, counterbalance and dangerously thin underpinnings hold humanity together, as they do the simple geometric shapes that form the scenography for Mind the Gap – a world class display of strength, courage and acrobatics. The three artists are unusual machinists, taking care of an unreliable colossus, while they double as actors who perform in and with it.
Dimitri Hatton and Satchie Noro, the originators of the production, are multi-artists with backgrounds in classical dance, acting, acrobatics, aikido and clown techniques. Their piece arose from a sense of necessity, the importance of relating to the collapse going on.
”It was a time of disappointment, disintegration and collapse. All we could do was put our trust in each other, hold onto each other and stand united while everything fell apart around us.” – Satchi Noro.
How do you stand upright when the ground beneath you gives way and the structures twist? How do you rise up after the fall? Do we have the stamina to carry it all – and each other?
Creation: Dimitri Hatton, Satchie Noro,
Staging: Dimitri hatton
Performers: Dimitri Hatton, Satchie Noro and Mathias Reymond
Music: Nicolas Larmignat
Set design: Silvain Ohl
Sound mixing: Vincent Mallet
Lighting: Thierry Arlot
The show tours in Västra Götaland:
August 24: Bergsjön
August 27: Mölndal
August 28: Mölndal
August 30: Mölnlycke
August 31: Tjörn
The performance on August 24 is presented with the support of the Västra Götaland region in collaboration with Kulturhuset Bergsjön.
The performance on August 27 is presented with the support of the Västra Götaland region in collaboration with Mölndal City.
The performance on August 30 is presented with the support of the Västra Götaland region in collaboration with Härryda municipality.
The performance on August 31 is presented with the support of the Västra Götaland region in collaboration with the municipality of Tjörn.

Presented with the support of the Västra Götaland region.

Presented with the support of Göteborg & Co