Fermin Mora
Bien Joué
25 Aug
ca 1h
0 kr
Fermin Mora
Bien Joué
There are artists who possess the ability to enchant the world, who scrape away boring routines to find the magic life in that which surrounds us every day. Charlie Chaplin was such an artist, and so is the Argentinian Fermin Mora.
The performance is located at Harry Hjörnes plats
Find the performance locations here
In addition, the performance will be shown inside the High Mass in Göteborgs Domkyrka on August 25 at 11 am. This performance is performed in collaboration with the Church of Sweden.

Presented in collaboration with Funnybones Productions

Presented with the support of Göteborg & Co

The performance on August 25th is a collaboration with Svenska Kyrkan and will take place during the High Mass at Domkyrkan in Gothenburg