The Queer Costume onstage and in parade
Artistically speaking
19 Aug
ca 1h 30min
Stora Teatern
The conversation will be held in Kristallfoajén
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The Queer Costume onstage and in parade
Artistically speaking
"The Queer Costume onstage and in parade" is a part of the conversation series Artistically speaking.
Inspired by The Decades Ball and Europride’s parade, we’ll take a closer look at the significance of queer costuming as artistic expression and political statement. What have clothes and fashion meant for HBTQIA activism? Can we see traces of ballroom and whacking fashions on Europe’s established stages? Has drag become mainstream?
Yolanda Bohm Ramirez
Carl Olof Berg
Alyssa Chloë
Zafire Vrba
The conversation will be held in Swedish and English.