Walk & talk
Go for a walk and discuss the performance you just have seen. After the walk we will sit down, have a drink and discuss the performance together. This is an opportunity for you who are interested in discussing, turning and twisting your experience together with new acquaintances. There is no right or wrong. Free admission, but you need to book in advance.

Photo: Marcin Nowak
Julia / Christiane Jatahy
Monday 20/8 at 20.15
-Folkteatern / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between Folkteatern and Kristallfoajén at Stora Teatern.
Get your ticket

Photo: Ingvild Bertelsen
In Front of / Meleat Fredriksson
Wednesday 22/8 at 15.45
– 3:e Våningen / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between 3:e Våningen and Röda Sten Restaurant at 17.00.
Get your ticket

Foto: Simo Karisalo
Blab / Sonja Jokiniemi
Wednesday 22/8 at 19.10
– Atalante / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between Atalante and Kristallfoajén at Stora Teatern.
Get your ticket

Photo: Marina Popovic
There is a Noise / Freya Sif Hestnes & Marina Popovic
Thursday 23/8 at 16.55
– Folkteatern / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between Folkteatern and Kristallfoajén at Stora Teatern.
Get your ticket

Photo: Simo Karisalo
Quiet dances / Wilhelm Blomberg & Maja Hannisdal
Friday 24/8 at 18.00
– Blå Stället / Gothenburg –
Get your ticket

Photo: Chrisander Brun
In the Distance, Troy / Magnus Myhr
Friday 24/8 at 21.00
– Atalante / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between Atalante and Kristallfoajén at Stora Teatern.
Get your ticket

Photo: Mario del Curto
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire / Cirque Aïtal
Saturday 25/8 at 17.10
– Circus tent, Röda Sten / Gothenburg –
Walk and talk between Röda Sten and Röda Sten Restaurant.